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0x59 Light Sensor Status

RLS 0xe8 → LCM 0xd0.

This command reports the status and demand for the light state to the LCM.


E8 04 D0 50 00 6C
E8 04 D0 21 02 1F
E8 04 D0 11 01 1F


Fixed length. Two byte bitfield.

# Byte 1

INTENSITY       = 0b0111_0000
LIGHT_STATE     = 0b0000_0001

# Byte 2

REASON          = 0b0001_1111

Intensity 0b0111_0000

INTENSITY_1  = 0x10
INTENSITY_2  = 0x20
INTENSITY_3  = 0x30
INTENSITY_4  = 0x40
INTENSITY_5  = 0x50
INTENSITY_6  = 0x60

Light State 0b0000_0001

LIGHTS_ON  = 0x01

Reason 0b0001_1111

TWILIGHT    = 0x01
DARKNESS    = 0x02
RAIN        = 0x04
TUNNEL      = 0x08
GARAGE      = 0x10