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0x23 Title Text: Radio

Radio 0x68 → GT 0x3b
Radio 0x68 → MID 0xc0
Radio 0x68 → IKE 0x80
Radio 0x68 → Broadcast 0xff

Only BMBT (GT) usage is discussed!

Example Frames

68 0C 3B 23 C4 20 43 44 20 31 2D 30 31 A2

68 13 FF 23 C4 20 07 20 20 20 20 20 08 43 44 20 31 2D 30 31 56

68 16 80 23 40 20 07 20 2D 35 2D 20 08 46 4D 20 03 31 30 35 2E 31 04 80
68 19 80 23 50 30 07 20 2D 33 2D 20 08 46 4D 20 03 31 30 30 2E 33 04 20 53 54 A9 
68 13 80 23 C4 20 07 20 20 20 20 20 08 43 44 20 31 2D 31 33 2A


Length will vary with String.

Property Index Length Type
Layout 0 1 Bitfield
Options 1 1 Bitfield
String 2 -1 String


SOURCE  = 0b1110_0000
CONFIG  = 0b0001_1111

Source 0b1110_0000

SOURCE_SERVICE    = 0b000 << 5  # 0x00
SOURCE_WEATHER    = 0b001 << 5  # 0x20
SOURCE_ANALOGUE   = 0b010 << 5  # 0x40
SOURCE_DIGITAL    = 0b011 << 5  # 0x60
SOURCE_TAPE       = 0b100 << 5  # 0x80
SOURCE_TRAFFIC    = 0b101 << 5  # 0xa0
SOURCE_CDC        = 0b110 << 5  # 0xc0

Config. 0b0001_1111

Source specific options.

# Source: Service Mode (0b000 << 5)
CONFIG_SERVICE_GAL                  = 0b0_0100
CONFIG_SERVICE_FQ                   = 0b0_0101
CONFIG_SERVICE_DSP                  = 0b0_0110
CONFIG_SERVICE_SEEK_LEVEL           = 0b0_0111
CONFIG_SERVICE_TP_VOLUME            = 0b0_1000
CONFIG_SERVICE_AF                   = 0b0_1001
CONFIG_SERVICE_REGION               = 0b0_1010

# Source: Weather Band (0b001 << 5)
CONFIG_WEATHER_NONE                 = 0b0_0000
CONFIG_WEATHER_CH_1                 = 0b0_0001
CONFIG_WEATHER_CH_2                 = 0b0_0010
CONFIG_WEATHER_CH_3                 = 0b0_0011
CONFIG_WEATHER_CH_4                 = 0b0_0100
CONFIG_WEATHER_CH_5                 = 0b0_0101
CONFIG_WEATHER_CH_6                 = 0b0_0110
CONFIG_WEATHER_CH_7                 = 0b0_0111

# Source: Analogue (i.e. FMA) (0b010 << 5)    
CONFIG_ANALOGUE_UPDATE              = 0b0_0000
CONFIG_ANALOGUE_MODE_MANUAL         = 0b0_0001  # [m]
CONFIG_ANALOGUE_MODE_SCAN           = 0b0_0010  # [SCA]
CONFIG_ANALOGUE_TRAFFIC             = 0b0_0110  # < 3/1-30
CONFIG_ANALOGUE_TRAFFIC_PROGRAM     = 0b0_0111  # < 3/1-30

CONFIG_ANALOGUE_TRAFFIC_ON          = 0b0_1000  # [T]

CONFIG_ANALOGUE_ST                  = 0b1_0000  # < 3/1-30

# Source: Digital (i.e. FMD) (0b011 << 5)
CONFIG_DIGITAL_MENU                 = 0b0_0000  # Stations, Info.
CONFIG_DIGITAL_RDS                  = 0b0_0001
CONFIG_DIGITAL_HEADER               = 0b0_0010
CONFIG_DIGITAL_MP3                  = 0b0_0011

# Source: Tape (0b100 << 5)
CONFIG_TAPE_ERROR                   = 0b0_0000  # "TAPE ERROR"
CONFIG_TAPE_PRES                    = 0b0_0010
CONFIG_TAPE_FFW                     = 0b0_0011
CONFIG_TAPE_FW                      = 0b0_0110
CONFIG_TAPE_RRW                     = 0b0_0100
CONFIG_TAPE_RW                      = 0b0_0111
CONFIG_TAPE_CLEAN                   = 0b0_1000
CONFIG_TAPE_INVERSE                 = 0b0_1001

CONFIG_TAPE_SIDE_A                  = 0b0_0000
CONFIG_TAPE_SIDE_B                  = 0b1_0000

# Source: Traffic (0b101 << 5)
CONFIG_TRAFFIC_NO_STATION           = 0b0_0000
CONFIG_TRAFFIC_1                    = 0b0_0001
CONFIG_TRAFFIC_2                    = 0b0_0010

# Source: CDC (0b110 << 5)
CONFIG_CDC_ERROR                    = 0b0_0000  # "CD ERROR"
CONFIG_CDC_NO_MAG                   = 0b0_0001  # "NO MAGAZINE"
CONFIG_CDC_NO_DISC                  = 0b0_0010  # "NO DISC"
CONFIG_CDC_CHECK                    = 0b0_0011  # "CD CHECK"

CONFIG_CDC_FF                       = 0b0_0101  # [>>]
CONFIG_CDC_RW                       = 0b0_0110  # [<<R]

CONFIG_CDC_SEARCH                   = 0b0_0100  # [< >] Default
CONFIG_CDC_SCAN                     = 0b0_0111  # [SCAN]
CONFIG_CDC_RAND                     = 0b0_1000  # [RND]
CONFIG_CDC_FF_RW                    = 0b0_1010  # [<< >>]

CONFIG_CDC_LOADING                  = 0b0_1011  # I think...?


These options are to control (and therefore are only applicable to) the high cluster character display. (While this documentation only covers BMBT usage, I suspect they would apply to MID.)

UPDATE  = 0x20
SET     = 0x30


Code Point Name Description
0x00 NUL Null-terminated string
0x01 Flash Lower Boundary Open flashing text encapsulation
0x02 Flash Upper Boundary Close flashing text encapsulation
0x03 Property Lower Boundary Open encapsulation
0x04 Property Upper Boundary Close encapsulation
0x06 LF Line Feed
0x07 Discard Lower Boundary Open encapsulation
0x08 Discard Upper Boundary Close encapsulation

Property Substring

0x03 and 0x04 define the boundaries for the substring which is written to by the command 0x24.

For example, here the radio is writing to both GT 0x3b and IKE 0x80 via the broadcast address 0xff.

68 19 FF 23 40 30 07 2D 41 34 2D 20 08 46 4D 20 03 20 39 32 2E 37 04 20 53 54 BE
# String: "\x07-A4- \x08FM \x03 92.7\x04 ST"

In this message the property substring is 03 20 39 32 2E 37 04 which encapsulates the radio frequency, in this case " 92.7".

Once defined, the radio can then update this property via 0x24, thus mitigating the need to write the entire display again.

68 0A FF 24 40 00 20 39 36 2E 30 C8     # " 96.0"
68 0A FF 24 40 00 20 39 36 2E 31 C9     # " 96.1"
68 0A FF 24 40 00 20 39 36 2E 32 CA     # " 96.2"

Notice the string in each of the three above messages is five characters, the same length as the substring in the original message.

Discard Substring

0x07 and 0x08 define the boundaries for the substring which is discarded by GT 0x3b or MID 0xc0.

Using the same message as above in which the radio is writing to both GT 0x3b and IKE 0x80:

68 19 FF 23 40 30 07 2D 41 34 2D 20 08 46 4D 20 03 20 39 32 2E 37 04 20 53 54 BE
# "\x07-A4- \x08FM \x03 92.7\x04 ST"

The substring to discard in this message is 07 2D 41 34 2D 20 08 which encapsulates the radio preset, in this case "-A4- ".

The radio preset is only displayed on the cluster, thus the need to discard it.

Use Cases

These use cases became obsolete with the introduction of NG radios. In order to support the split screen display mode introduced with the updated UI (3/1-40+, 4/1), all NG radios used the digital radio mode irrespective of source.

Radio (Digital)

Radio (Digital)
Pictured: A C24 BM (MK1 GT).

Radio (Analogue)

Radio (Analogue)
Pictured: A C23 BM (MK1 GT).


Pictured: A C23 BM (MK1 GT).


Pictured: A C23 BM in tape mode (Video Module GT).

Service Mode

Weather Band

Inferred use case. No examples.


Inferred use case. No examples.