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0xa2 Telematics: Coordinates

Nav. 0x7f → Telephone 0xc8

The relevance of coordinates to telephone is in the role of telematics.

Later navigation computers should send coordinates irrespective of what telephone equipment is installed.


7F 14 C8 A2 00 00 36 01 36 50 01 15 09 02 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E
7F 14 C8 A2 00 00 38 48 16 60 00 77 10 03 61 00 00 00 15 38 00 2F
7F 14 C8 A2 01 00 49 48 03 50 00 08 44 19 80 02 30 00 16 10 51 E2
7F 14 C8 A2 01 00 51 28 35 20 00 00 56 58 11 00 46 00 17 00 32 10
7F 14 C8 A2 01 00 37 51 21 41 01 45 02 29 70 00 46 00 00 02 12 4F


Fixed length. 17 data bytes.

Parameter Index Length
Signal 0 1
Latitude 1 5
Longitude 6 5
Altitude 11 2
NA 13 1
Time 14 3


If signal has not been acquired, or is temporarily lost, the coordinates and/or time may be inaccurate, or default to 00 00....

Parameter Index Length Type
Signal 0 1 Bitfield
# Signal
# Index: 0, Length: 1
SIGNAL_FALSE    = 0x00
SIGNAL_TRUE     = 0x01


Parameter Index Length (byte) Length (bit) Type
Degrees 1 2 16 Packed BCD
Minutes 3 1 8 Packed BCD
Seconds 4 1 8 Packed BCD
Fractional Sec. 5 1 4 MSB BCD
Sign (N/S) 5 1 4 LSB Bitfield
# Sign (North/South)
# Index: 5, Length: 1 (4 LSBs)
SIGN_POS_NORTH  = 0b0000
SIGN_NEG_SOUTH  = 0b0001


Parameter Index Length (byte) Length (bit) Type
Degrees 6 2 16 Packed BCD
Minutes 8 1 8 Packed BCD
Seconds 9 1 8 Packed BCD
Fractional Sec. 10 1 4 MSB BCD
Sign (E/W) 10 1 4 LSB Bitfield
# Sign (East/West)
# Index: 10, Length 1 (4 LSBs)
SIGN_POS_EAST = 0b0000
SIGN_NEG_WEST = 0b0001


Parameter Index Length Note
Altitude (metre) 11 2 Packed BCD


Parameter Index Length Note
NA 13 1 Default 00


Similar to 0x1f GPS Time.

Property Index Length Type
Hour 14 1 Packed BCD
Minute 15 1 Packed BCD
Second 16 1 Packed BCD


# Telematics: Coordinates frame
7F 14 C8 A2 01 00 37 51 21 41 01 45 02 29 70 00 46 00 00 02 12 4F
Parameter Data Parsed
Signal 01 TRUE
Lat: Degrees 00 37 37°
Lat: Minutes 51 51′
Lat: Seconds 21 21
Lat: Fractional Sec. 41 & 0b1111_0000 => 40 .4″
Lat: Sign (N/S) 41 & 0b0000_1111 => 01 S
Long: Degrees 01 45 145°
Long: Minutes 02 02′
Long: Seconds 29 20
Long: Fractional Sec. 70 & 0b1111_0000 => 70 .7″
Long: Sign (E/W) 70 & 0b0000_1111 => 00 E
Altitude 00 46 46m
NA 00
Time: Hour 00 00
Time: Minute 02 :02
Time: Seconds 12 :12
# Telematics: Coordinates parsed
37°51′21.4″S 145°02′29.7″E 46m

Use Cases

Emergency Call

Emergency Coordinates Source: BimmerNav

Earlier telephone modules will display location and coordinates when making a manual emergency call.

BMW Assist: Emergency Call

In addition, the TCU accompanies [manual and automatic] emergency calls with an SMS text message providing the location coordinates of the vehicle to the service provider.

The following data are transmitted in the SMS:

BMW Assist: Roadside Assistance

A breakdown call is sent by selecting the menu point BMW roadside assistance service, i.e. data are sent to the BMW roadside assistance service together with the current location and vehicle profile.