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0x17 Odometer

Cluster 0x80 → Broadcast 0xbf

The cluster will broadcast the odometer if requested.

Example Frame

80 0A BF 17 FA 34 0C 00 1F 32 CC 01


Fixed length. 3 data bytes.

Parameter Index Length Type Note
Mileage 0-2 3 Integer km


The mileage consists of 3 bytes. It can be calculated into a readable integer using the following formular:

mileage = (byte3 * 655536) + (byte2 * 256) + byte1  

mileage = (0x0C * 65536) + (0x34 * 256) + 0xFA

mileage = (12 * 65536) + (52 * 256) + 250

mileage = 799994


# Example Odometer Frame
80 0A BF 17 FA 34 0C 00 1F 32 CC 01
Property Mileage
Data FA 34 0C
Value 799994 km

Use Cases


Increases the mileage in EWS and inserted key