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0x11 Ignition

Cluster 0x80 → Broadcast 0xbf

The cluster will broadcast the ignition status:

A number of modules will not activate unless the required ignition status is broadcast by the cluster. For example, while the navigation computer has a KL-R supply circuit, it will not wake until the cluster broadcasts a KL-R ignition status.

Check your fuses!

It’s not the ignition switch position itself that drives the ignition status, but the associated supply circuit to the cluster that the switch closes. Thus, if the applicable supply is not closed due to a blown fuse, the cluster will not broadcast the applicable igntition status.


80 04 BF 11 00 2A   # KL-30
80 04 BF 11 01 2B   # KL-R
80 04 BF 11 03 29   # KL-15
80 04 BF 11 07 2D   # KL-50


1-byte bit field. Fixed length.

IGNITION = 0b0000_0111

Ignition 0b0000_0111

IGNITION_KL_30   = 0b0000_0000   # Key Position 0
IGNITION_KL_R    = 0b0000_0001   # Key Position 1
IGNITION_KL_15   = 0b0000_0011   # Key Position 2
IGNITION_KL_50   = 0b0000_0111   # Key Position 3