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0x40 OBC Input

GT 0x3b → Cluster 0x80

This is only applicable to vehicles equipped with BMBT.


3B 07 80 40 01 8A 2B 2D 71
3B 07 80 40 02 19 03 14 F0
3B 06 80 40 07 00 00 FA
3B 06 80 40 09 00 14 E0
3B 06 80 40 0D 27 0F D8
3B 06 80 40 0F 8B 00 79
3B 06 80 40 10 02 36 D9


The message length will vary depending on Property ID.

Parameter Index Length Type
Property ID 0 1 Bitfield
Data 1 -1 Various

Property ID

ID Property
0x01 Time
0x02 Date
0x07 Distance
0x09 Limit
0x0d Code
0x0f Aux. Timer 1
0x10 Aux. Timer 2


The length and type will vary depending on the given Property ID.

Use Cases



Data Index Length Type
Hour 1 1 Integer
Minute 2 1 Integer

The input will reflect the vehicle’s time format, i.e. 12h or 24h.

12h Format

Time Input

# Time (12h) Examples

# AM
3B 06 80 40 01 0C 00 F0     # 12:00am
3B 06 80 40 01 0C 3B CB     # 12:59am
3B 06 80 40 01 01 00 FD     # 01:00am
3B 06 80 40 01 02 00 FE     # 02:00am
3B 06 80 40 01 03 00 FF     # 03:00am
# [...]
3B 06 80 40 01 0A 00 F6     # 10:00am
3B 06 80 40 01 0B 00 F7     # 11:00am

# PM
# Note: Hour MSB set to 1 (0x80)
3B 06 80 40 01 8C 00 70     # 12:00pm
3B 06 80 40 01 8C 37 47     # 12:55pm
3B 06 80 40 01 81 00 7D     # 01:00pm
3B 06 80 40 01 82 00 7E     # 02:00pm
3B 06 80 40 01 83 00 7F     # 03:00pm
# [...]
3B 06 80 40 01 8B 3B 4C     # 11:59pm
24h Format

Time Input

# Time (24h) Examples

3B 06 80 40 01 00 00 FC     # 00:00
3B 06 80 40 01 00 3B C7     # 00:59
3B 06 80 40 01 01 00 FD     # 01:00
3B 06 80 40 01 02 00 FE     # 02:00
3B 06 80 40 01 03 00 FF     # 03:00
# [...]
3B 06 80 40 01 0A 00 F6     # 10:00
3B 06 80 40 01 0B 00 F7     # 11:00
3B 06 80 40 01 0C 00 F0     # 12:00

3B 06 80 40 01 0D 00 F1     # 13:00
3B 06 80 40 01 0E 00 F2     # 14:00
3B 06 80 40 01 0F 00 F3     # 15:00
3B 06 80 40 01 10 00 EC     # 16:00
3B 06 80 40 01 11 3B D6     # 17:59
3B 06 80 40 01 12 3B D5     # 18:59
3B 06 80 40 01 13 00 EF     # 19:00
3B 06 80 40 01 14 3A D2     # 20:58
3B 06 80 40 01 15 00 E9     # 21:00
3B 06 80 40 01 16 00 EA     # 22:00
3B 06 80 40 01 17 3B D0     # 23:59


Date Input

Data Index Length Type
Day 1 1 Integer
Month 2 1 Integer
Year 3 1 Integer

The input is not affected by the date format, i.e. or mm/dd.

# Date Examples

3B 07 80 40 02 01 01 14 EA      # 01/01/2020
3B 07 80 40 02 1F 01 14 F4      # 31/01/2020
3B 07 80 40 02 01 0C 14 E7      # 01/12/2020
3B 07 80 40 02 1F 0C 00 ED      # 31/12/2020
Year Limitation

The only trick is specifying Year as the input is limited to YY, e.g. 15 represents 2015.

This begs the question, with an input of 25, is that 1925, or 2025?

Fortunately we need not worry about this for many decades as the navigation OS software (4-1/00) defaults to years 1993 to 2092.

Input Year
00..92 2000..2092
93..99 1993..1999

Date Input

# Date: Centry Roll Over Example

3B 07 80 40 02 1E 0A 61 8B      # 30/10/1997
3B 07 80 40 02 1F 0C 62 8F      # 31/12/1998
3B 07 80 40 02 1F 0C 63 8E      # 31/12/1999

3B 07 80 40 02 01 01 00 FE      # 01/01/2000
3B 07 80 40 02 01 01 01 FF      # 01/01/2001
3B 07 80 40 02 01 01 02 FC      # 01/01/2002

On-board Computer (OBC)


OBC: Distance Input

Data Index Length Type
Distance 1 2 Integer (16-bit)

Input is in whichever distance format is in use, i.e. KMS or MLS. The upper limit for KMS and MLS is 9999 and 5999 respectively.

# OBC: Distance Examples

3B 06 80 40 07 00 00 FA     # Distance: 0 (disable)
3B 06 80 40 07 00 0A F0     # Distance: 10
3B 06 80 40 07 00 10 EA     # Distance: 16
3B 06 80 40 07 17 6F 82     # Distance: 5999 (MLS upper limit)
3B 06 80 40 07 27 0F D2     # Distance: 9999 (KMS upper limit)


OBC: Limit Input

Input unit will reflect the vehicle’s configured distance unit, e.g. KM/H (KMS), or MPH (MLS).

Data Index Length Type
Limit 1 2 Integer (16-bit)
# OBC: Limit Examples

3B 06 80 40 09 00 07 F3     # Limit: 7
3B 06 80 40 09 00 20 D4     # Limit: 32
3B 06 80 40 09 00 64 90     # Limit: 100
3B 06 80 40 09 00 BA 4E     # Limit: 186 (MPH upper limit)
3B 06 80 40 09 01 2B DE     # Limit: 299 (KMH upper limit)

Independent Ventilation and Heating

Aux Timer 1

Data Index Length Type
Hour 1 1 Integer (8-bit)
Minute 2 1 Integer (8-bit)

Like Time, input format is based on user configuration.

12h Format

Aux Timers Input

# Aux Timer 1 (24h) Examples
# See Time (12h) for additional examples

3B 06 80 40 0F 0C 00 FE     # 12:00am
3B 06 80 40 0F 01 00 F3     # 01:00am
# [...]
3B 06 80 40 0F 0B 00 F9     # 11:00am

3B 06 80 40 0F 8C 00 7E     # 12:00pm
3B 06 80 40 0F 81 00 73     # 01:00pm
# [...]
3B 06 80 40 0F 8B 00 79     # 11:00pm
3B 06 80 40 0F 8B 3B 42     # 11:59pm
24h Format

Aux Timers Input

# Aux Timer 1 (24h) Example
# See Time (24h) for additional examples

3B 06 80 40 0F 00 00 F2     # 00:00
3B 06 80 40 0F 00 3B C9     # 00:59
# [...]
3B 06 80 40 0F 17 3B DE     # 23:59

Aux Timer 2

See above. Substitude Property ID 0x0f (Aux. Timer 1) for 0x10 (Aux. Timer 2).


Code Input

Data Index Length Type
Code 1 2 Integer (16-bit)

The command is sent when Deactivate is selected. If the correct code is entered, the cluster will disable code.

# Code Examples

3B 06 80 40 0D 00 00 F0     # Code: 0000
3B 06 80 40 0D 00 7B 8B     # Code: 0123
3B 06 80 40 0D 00 FF 0F     # Code: 0255
3B 06 80 40 0D 27 00 D7     # Code: 9984
3B 06 80 40 0D 27 0F D8     # Code: 9999