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0x49 BMBT Navigation Dial

One byte bit field. Reversed fields as compared to volume control 0x32, but otherwise the same in operation.

Always sent to GT 0x3b.

Bit 7 6-4 3-0
Use Direction Steps
# Direction
LEFT    = 0b0000_0000
RIGHT   = 0b1000_0000

# Steps (variable)
MIN     = 0b0000_0001
MAX     = 0b0000_1111

# Left
F0 04 3B 49 01 87   # 1 step
F0 04 3B 49 02 84   # 2 steps etc...

# Right
F0 04 3B 49 81 07   # 1 step
F0 04 3B 49 82 04   # 2 steps etc...