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0x47 BMBT “Soft” Buttons

BMBT 0xf0 → Broadcast 0xbf

In order to reduce the number of BMBT variants, the widescreen BMBT eliminated equipment dependent dedicated buttons, i.e. TRAFFIC, RDS.

Features that previously had a dedicated button were now controlled via a menu which was accessed by the new INFO button.

Example Dial Layout

Example Frames

F0 05 FF 47 00 38 75
F0 05 FF 47 00 B8 F5


Fixed length. 1-byte bit field.

BUTTON  = 0b0011_1111
STATE   = 0b1100_0000

Button 0b0011_1111

BUTTON_SELECT  = 0b0000_1111
BUTTON_INFO    = 0b0011_1000

State 0b1100_0000

STATE_PRESS       = 0b0000_0000
STATE_HOLD        = 0b0100_0000
STATE_RELEASE     = 0b1000_0000

Use Cases


The “INFO” button reduces the number of variants. Traffic information can be called up using the “INFO” button. The country-specific functions will be activated or deactivated depending on the country variant set.
– BMW Service Training

The INFO button will open a new menu and list any supported features such as RDS, and TP. Upon selecting a feature, the GT will emulate a button press from the legacy BMBT. i.e. Selecting “RDS” from the Info menu would send 0x48 with the button ID for RDS 0x22.

# Info "Soft" Button
F0 05 FF 47 00 38 75    # Press
F0 05 FF 47 00 78 35    # Hold
F0 05 FF 47 00 B8 F5    # Release


The SELECT button is no longer sent via 0x48. (No variance in behaviour compared to legacy BMBT?)

# Select "Soft" Button
F0 05 FF 47 00 0F 42    # Press
F0 05 FF 47 00 4F 02    # Hold
F0 05 FF 47 00 8F C2    # Release